the magic of vision boards.

how to have your best year yet.

so, what is a vision board?

a vision board is only one of the tools that aid in achieving your goals and aspirations. it is a visual representation of your goals! for example, i’ve made vision boards for specific goals (such as getting an internship, getting good grades, etc.) and for my goals in total. overall, a vision board keeps your ambitions at the forefront of your mind and gives you an idea of how you would like your life to go!

do they actually work? yes, with effort and action. i suggest this article, the science behind vision boards, for information on how vision boards can help you carry out your goals. this should be used as a tool (a part of the process), not be the end all be all. i’m also sharing this video by tam kaur, which is so helpful if you are starting your first vision board.

1. write out a list of all the goals you would like to achieve!

for example: i want to acquire fluency in multiple languages, so i will…

  • ↳ start learning portuguese

  • ↳ watch and listen to shows, and podcasts in different languages

  • ↳ start writing and speaking in different languages with others

2. find pictures that correlate to your goals.

this helps to visualize your goals. “…the brain sees little difference between something actually happening and a strongly imagined vision of it. therefore, imagine it already happening, for example by visualizing that you’re a published author – not just that you want to write a book – you’re more likely to make that leap.”

3. keep it in view.

as the name says, (vision board) your board should be in a place that you often frequent. as stated by dr. swart, “looking at images on a vision board primes the brain to grasp opportunities that may otherwise gone unnoticed. that’s because the brain has a process called ‘value-tagging’ which imprints important things onto your subconscious and filters out unnecessary information.”

all quotes referenced are from the linked article.

et voilà!

as always, thank you for reading and don’t forget to follow us on our instagram page, @thejouyblog!


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